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The Road Less Traveled

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Rating: 8.77 | Votes: 183

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Submitted by Unknown
Cannot believe any book with a higher rating, this is life in a nutshell which is written so simple it is complex. The flow is so precise that one wonders how a man of 41 could have learned so much and experienced so much. Optimumly efficient in presentation and substance. All of Peck's books build on the Road and the process of life. I call it the most practical book for living in a celestial boot camp yet God orchestrated at the same time. Such clarity that every question one could address is already answered.

Submitted by Unknown
My first spiritual reading, and the experience makes me desire more. Very easy reading initiates deep thinking.

Submitted by Unknown
Without qualification the best book ever written, so simple it shows the work the author put into it. M Scott Peck's subsequent books are equally truthful and are built on his prior books.

Submitted by Unknown
This is a book that will move and motivate any individual from a state of sleep into awakening. It's a step in the journey. Not all of it will make sense but take from it what it is you need and uderstand for now.

Submitted by Unknown
This book has become my Bible. I first read it in my early twenties and again just finished it as I'm turning 30. I know I will read this book at least 3 or 4 more times during my life. I am so very thankful to Dr. Peck; Words could never express how much. I will continue to use this book as a guide along my journey to spiritual growth as it has been a monumental influence and encouragement.

Submitted by Unknown
A great basic book that will start you on your own path by helping you realize that there are times you've already been there.

Submitted by Unknown
The most inspirational book I have ever read and appreciated it so much more than a lot of the others because it seemed easily applicalble to real life.