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BestSpirituality.com Visitors' Reviews / Comments
Submitted by Unknown This series of books increased my faith and lifted my consciousness beyond words. These Masters' lives were observed and documented in minute detail by a group of scientists. Extensive research and travels with these Masters' describe a way of living that knows no limitations. Amazing. Transforming. This way of living is available to anyone who wants it.
Submitted by Unknown This set of books bridges the gap between science/religion and eastern/western philosophies. If world leaders would be open to reading this, perhaps they could see the universality of human experience and potential.
Submitted by Unknown As long as you have an open mind, all things are possible.
That is the message.
Submitted by Unknown I grasped more truth and insight from these books than
I have from all of my previous readings put together.
Submitted by: Wayne My intuition screams FICTION and I would like to read a detailed biography of Baird Spalding to check the dates and facts of this book. These books make me feel uneasy. I love Carlos Castenda regardless of don Juan's authenticity. These books by Spalding make me uneasy and suspicious.